Dr. Kazi Md. Tarique, Assistant Professor, USB, has more than sixteen years of teaching and research experience both at home and abroad. Prior to joining ULAB, he used to teach at Southeast University Bangladesh, where he started his academic career in 2005. He completed his undergraduate degree in Business Administration from North South University in 2001 and master's in International Finance from London Metropolitan University (UK) in 2004. In 2017, he received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the International Islamic University Malaysia. His Ph.D. work titled, “A Maqasid (Objective) based Performance Evaluation Index for Islamic Banks” received a Malaysian Government research grant worth RM 63,000.
His research interests include International Finance, Islamic Banking and Finance, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making. To this date, Dr. Tarique has published 18 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including 9 in Scopus indexed journal. He has also participated in training on curriculum design and textbook writing and presented papers at different international conferences in Malaysia and Indonesia.
To download the complete CV, click here.
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
PhD: International Islamic University Malaysia, 2017.
MA: London Metropolitan University, 2004.
BBA: North South University, 2001
International Finance, Islamic Banking and Finance, Multicriteria Decision Making.
Writing TOT module on Islamic Finance.
Aligning courses with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for the development of Bangladesh.
Finance and Banking
Ahmed, S., Mohiuddin, M., Rahman, M., Tarique, K.M. and Azim, M. "The impact of Islamic Shariah compliance on customer satisfaction in Islamic banking services: mediating role of service quality", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. SCOPUS indexed
Kazi Md. Tarique, Rafikul Islam, Mustafa Omar Mohammed, “Developing and validating the components of Maqasid al-Shari’ah-based performance measurement model for Islamic banks”, International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 366-390. April 2021. SCOPUS indexed
Kazi Md. Tarique, Rafikul Islam, Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Dzuljastri Abdul Razak, Hamdino Bin Hamdan. “Constructing A Maqasid(Objective) Based Performance Measurement Index For Islamic Banks”, International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Vol 12, Issue 2, Page (328-354), August 2020. SCOPUS indexed
Rafikul Islam, Ibrahim Mohd Haidoub, Kazi Md. Tarique. “Enhancing Quality of Education:A Case Study On An International Islamic School”, Asian Academy of Management Journal. Vol 24, Issue 1, Page (141-156), March 2019. SCOPUS indexed
Humaira Husain, Khairul Alam, Kazi Md. Tarique “Nexus between Firm Level Investment and Financing Constraint Measures: A Critical Review”, Review of Economics and Finance. Vol 12, Issue 2, June 2018. SCOPUS indexed
Kazi Md. Tarique, Mezbah Uddin Ahmed, Dewan Mahboob Hossain, Md. Abdul Momen. “Reflection of Maqasid al Shariah in CSR Practices of the Islamic Banks: A Case Study of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited” Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance. Vol 13, Issue 3, Page (47-62), July-August. 2017. SCOPUS indexed
Selim Ahmed, Kazi Md. Tarique, Istique Arif,“Service quality, patient satisfaction and loyalty in the Bangladesh healthcare sector”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol 30, Issue 5, June 2017. SCOPUS indexed and emerging ISI
Kazi Md. Tarique, Kazi Tanvir Mahmood, Md. Kamrul Hasan, “Opinion of the Zakah recipients about the role of Zakah on the household food security:Evidence from rural Bangladesh”, Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance, 2(1), Page (93-110), August 2016
Rafikul Islam, Selim Ahmed, Kazi Md. Tarique. “Prioritization of Service Quality Dimentions for Healthcare Sector”,International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Special Issue 8(2), page (108-123), 2016- SCOPUS indexed
DM Hossain, AT Bir, Kazi Md. Tarique, A Momen “Disclosure of Green Banking Issues in the Annual Reports: A Study on Bangladeshi Banks”, 11(1), Page (19-30)- Middle-East Journal of Business, 2016
Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Kazi Md. Tarique, Rafikul Islam, “Measuring the performance of Islamic Banks using Maqasid Based Model”, Intellectual Discourse, 23(Special Issue), December 2015, page(77-100) SCOPUS indexed
Dzuljastri Abdul Razak, Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Kazi Md. Tarique, “Issues on Abandoned Housing Projects: A Critical Survey of the Literature and the Prospect of DP” , Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 31, Page 813-822, 2015
Md. Saiful Islam, Kazi Md. Tarique, Kazi Sohag. “CO2 Emission and Agricultural Productivity in Southeast Asian Region: a Pooled Mean Group Estimation”, Science Vision, Volume 20, No-1. (January to June 2014) Page(93-99).
Md. Shoaib ahmed, Kazi Md. Tarique “An Empirical study on Exchange rate volatility and its impact on Bilateral export growth: Evidence from Bangladesh”, Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University, Volume –V, No-1, January – June 2010,(P-125-137)
Oli Ahad Thakur, Kazi Md. Tarique, Emdad Aziz “An Empirical Investigation of the News Effect on the Pound Euro Exchange Rate”, Journal of Business Administration, Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka, November-2008.
Belal Uddin, Riad Hasan, Kazi Md. Tarique, “Three Dimensional Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Business and Economics, Daffodil International University, Volume-III, No-1, January-2008,(199-211) [Cited by 172 papers till date, according to Google scholar]
Zahid Hasan, Kazi Md. Tarique. “Examination of Stationarity in Financial Time series in Emerging Markets: A Case of Bangladesh Stock Market”, Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University, Voulme –III, No-2, July-December 2007,(P-145-152)
Kazi Md. Tarique, Oli Ahad Thakur, “Effect of Dividend policy on Share Market: An Empirical Study on UK Share Market”, Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University, Volume –II, No-2, July-December 2006,(P-65-77)
Kazi Md. Tarique, Kazi Tanvir Mahmud, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Soheli Akhter, “Opinion of the Zakah Recipients About the Role of Zakah on the Household Food Security: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh”, The 1st International JIMF Call for Papers, October 29-30, 2015, Surabaya , East Java-Indonesia
Date: 10/29/2015
Dzuljastri Abdul Razak, Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Kazi Md. Tarique, “Issues on Abandoned Housing Projects: A Critical Survey of the Literature and the Prospect of DP”, The IVth International Accounting and Business Conference –(IABC-2015), 17-18, August 2015, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Date: 08/15/2015
Kazi Md. Tarique, Mezbah Uddin Ahmed, Dewan Mahboob Hossain, Md. Abdul Momen. “Reflection of Maqasid al Shariah in CSR Practices of the Islamic Banks: A Case Study of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited”, International Conference on Maqasid al Shariah in Public Policy and Governance, 15-16 June 2015, IAI
Date: 06/15/2015
Kazi Md. Tarique. “Measuring the performance of Islamic Banks using Maqasid Model”,5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century(ICIJ2014), 23-25, September 2014. International Islamic University Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date: 09/23/2014
Kazi Md. Tarique & Mezbah Uddin Ahmed, (2021). “A survey of i-fintech literature and identifying future research direction”. Islamic FinTech: Realization and Applied Solutions.(https://www.amazon.com/Islamic-FinTech-Mohd-MaSum-Billah/dp/3030458261)
Mezbah Uddin Ahmed & Kazi Md. Tarique, (2021).“An analysis of digital wallet from Islamic perspective and scope of further research”. Islamic FinTech: Realization and Applied Solutions.(https://www.amazon.com/Islamic-FinTech-Mohd-MaSum-Billah/dp/3030458261)
- Orientation to ULAB
- Induction Training for Tertiary Teachers
- Student Advising
- Use of Technology (Moodle)
- Advanced Training for Tertiary Teachers
- Quality research and publication
- Research funding and collaboration